DO ORCS ROB BANKS? – The tale of a bank robbery where anything that can go wrong does.

An orc with huge gambling debts, two humans (one gifted, one cursed), and an inept wizard walk into a bank. The catch? This is no ordinary bank, but the Bank of Luwonidum, where the opulent store their ill-gotten wealth. The way to the vault is through a labyrinth, possibly littered with fiendish traps, and is rumored to be populated by strange mythical creatures of all shapes and sizes. Rumors, perhaps, but only the gnomes who run the Bank know for sure.

Here be minotaurs. Perhaps.

(Currently being queried to agents)


THE SIMIAN CLAW – Inspired by the Monkey’s Paw, Maltese Falcon and the Call of Cthulhu.

Set in the same city (Luwonidum) as the previous tale (Do Orcs Rob Banks?), Glibli, a wise cracking private eye teams up with Danielle, a deadly assassin, to protect a mysterious artifact and stay one step ahead of the chasing pack involving professional cat burglars, orcs, kobolds and a cult that will do anything to get hold of the Simian Claw.

Problem is, no one knows what the artifact is truly capable of.

(Currently being edited and hope to start querying soon).

Special thank you to Oishik Jawad, for his beautiful depiction of my characters and stories.

3. Social Notworking – Orcs Online

Social Notworking – A tale about the impact of social media on humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, goblins, ghouls, and the other citizens and denizens inhabiting the city of Luwodinum.

I plan to start working on this book from Jan 2023.

4. The Misfit Saga (working title)

While I wait to get 1) an agent; 2) a publisher, I have decided to also write a web novel (uploading one chapter each month, starting Dec 2022). You can find the first chapter here: Chapter 1 – The Tank

Learned Barbarian

The artwork for my webnovel (Ch-1) was done by Yves Münch (Creatyves) from Heidelberg, Germany. You may find his portfolio here: Yves Münch.

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