I am a Bangladeshi author who specialises in absurdist / humorous fantasy. Inspired mostly by Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, as well as Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Sylvie and Bruno.

Almost twenty years ago, I had to choose between writing, and an occupation that made more sense at the time, from a financial perspective. I chose to become a teacher, and have taught high school Economics since then. A few years ago, I made the decision to focus more on my writing. And while it seemed like a daunting prospect at the time, I was able to complete a 80k word fantasy novel. Little did I realise that there were still so many steps remaining, from writing a book to getting published. The good news is, while I wait, I can keep on writing, and luckily there’s no end to the stories I plan to tell. All those orcs, goblins, wizards and rogues in my head keep getting into all kinds of trouble, and depend on me to write their way out of these predicaments they find themselves in.

First time authors are extremely unfamiliar with the whole process of getting published, traditionally or otherwise. I plan to provide helpful tips and guidelines to potential authors on concepts such as querying, beta readers, MSWL, comps, etc.

Bangladeshi authors are greatly underrepresented on the global stage, and I hope to change that soon. It is time the rest of the world heard our voices, and the stories that we have to tell.

My first completed novel is “Do Orcs Rob Banks?”, currently being queried to literary agents.

“What about the giant spider hanging around the bank maze?”

“Queen Shelba? She got transferred to the Summerfeld branch last week.”

From my Debut novel – do orcs rob banks?

My second novel is called “The Simian Claw,” which pays homage to The Maltese Falcon, The Monkey’s Paw, and Call of Cthulhu. It is set in the same world as my previous book, the city of Londinium (and other exotic locations). It is currently being edited, and should be ready for querying by Jan 2023.

“…the gem was infamous for changing colors as frequently as it changed hands…”

“…alternating between blue, indicating a period of stability for its owner, and green, forewarning that danger and bad luck lay ahead for its owner…”

“…alternating ownership from King Allfred the Unlucky to King Porge the Prosperous to King Harrol, who accidentally shot himself with an arrow in the eye, to Queen Georgina, whose reign lasted over forty-seven years. Inherited upon her death by her eldest son Richie who was, against the odds, bitten to death by a dead enemy in battle.

From my current wip – the simian claw

My third novel, which I plan to start working on from Jan 2023, is about social media and its impact on the citizens and denizens of Londinium. In other words, how social media affects the humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, goblins and ghouls.

I have also decided to write a web novel while I wait to get published. I plan to upload one chapter a month, beginning from Dec 2022. Please do subscribe so you can keep track.