My son Aatif and I are both huge football fans. Liverpool, of course.
This picture was taken at Anfield, the day after we watched the Liverpool Wolves game.
And here’s a picture from our World Cup trip to Russia. We watched Brazil vs Serbia, it was an amazing experience watching a game sitting in the midst of Brazilian fans.
I have three dogs, Bubbles, Po, and Oreo.
Bubbles, when she was much younger. She’s 14 years old now. Expects to be carried around from one room to another.Po, the sweetest dog that never gave us any trouble ever. Always heads towards the foot of the bed where she prefers to sleep. Use to fall off a lot when she was a puppy, no permanent damage done.
Oreo, the youngest and also the naughtiest of the three. Seen here doing her best impression of Courage the Cowardly Dog. She barks at the walls at times, so maybe she does see things that we don’t.
Here’s my trophy card after Platinum #64 Deponia.
My updated trophy card, after a bit of a gap in my gaming. 67 Platinums after Ghost of Tsushima.
My favourite video game series would be Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Bioshock. I also loved the older point and click games from my childhood, like King’s Quest, Space Quest, and Monkey Island. However, the most number of hours I’ve spent on a particular series (on the PC) would be Football Manager (formerly Championship Manager), and Sid Meier’s Civilisation.
Mosaic of Platinums I’ve earned so far (some embarrassingly easy ones in there, but also some favourites of mine – Metal Gear Solid 3 (Snake Eater), Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas, Skyrim (twice), and Dragon Age Origins and 2).